Thank you to everyone that voted

Thanks to everyone that played and voted. Not going to lie, we are slightly disappointed in the results given that the feedback was largely positive with people asking for more levels (but hey-ho can't make everyone happy). Overall we were super proud of what we made in such a short period of time, with just the two of us- both working full time jobs on top of it. 

In any case, we have decided to continue working on the game. We'll be updating the demo next week to polish it up and remove any bugs and most importantly- add more levels!! 

We're hoping this will serve as a small snapshot/prototype for a larger game we'll be working on. So the published version may look very different. We just wanted to use this game jam as a way to test out a mechanic idea, and the feedback from the sokoban lovers was great! 

Can't wait to show you guys :D 

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