-Please play with hardware acceleration enabled in your browser & ideally full screen-


  • WASD to move.
  • R to reset level.
  • Space to 'wait'. [only used on levels with green block]

In this game you play as loads of little robots working together, navigating puzzles, to wake-up their big brobot.

The theme is loosely based around scale, so just smaller robots repairing a larger robot. Each level 'zooming out' is meant to represent you moving onto a larger part of the final robot, till you finally see the finished robot powered up at the end.

Sorry there's not more levels, we ran out of time! We plan to work on this more as we ran out of time for further designing levels, but it's definitely something we both want to fully develop!

Apologies if the controls UI doesn't show in the levels it's supposed to, the scaling reference got skewed but didn't catch it ourselves as it showed fine on both our laptops + phones. Should play fine if you have a standard screen/window size.

Ilya Phillips - Programmer

Becky Rayner - Technical Artist

Updated 14 days ago
Published 23 days ago
Rated 3.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
AuthorsMistyyytrew, wertyyytrew
Tags3D, Cute, Robots, Short, Sokoban, Unity
Average sessionA few minutes

Development log


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This was a nice fun game! Very polished for the short amount of time. 

Nice game, love the relaxed music and robot animations. 
Not sure the extension levels added much depth to the puzzles, but the green box mechanic puzzles were nice, maybe combining that with the extension could make it more interesting. 
Great work!

(1 edit)

Hiya, thanks for playing! Really the first 6-7 levels are just the 'tutorial' (maybe will shorten this tho!), and the real puzzles were going to start level 8+ but we completely mistimed ourselves (we both work full time) and couldn't get more levels out. But after the voting period we are going to polish it up with the feedback and get a better demo out! 

Yes, the time crunch is always difficult. Great to hear that you want to expand on it :)
If you want, leave  another reply to this comment thread after you update, I will gladly playtest it again 

(1 edit)

I kinda glitched throw the green block level lol
cute robot btw

I don't know how to solve the green block puzzles, but this robot is so cute I don't care.

Unfortunately the game doesn't load for me :(
It gets very close to completion but then it gets stuck.
It's a shame though, the game looked fun, I love puzzle games that's the same theme I went with!

oh this is the first we've heard of this. Do you have hardware acceleration enabled in your browser? 

Sorry but I don't really know, how can I check?

What browser are you using? If its chrome, its under settings>system>Use graphics acceleration when available; then restart the browser. If its Safari, it should be automatically enabled

I am currently not at home, will check back as soon as I get back, consider checking out our game as well!

yep, just checked and it is on T.T

this is a fun little puzzler with a lot of potential. I love that you can still run around celebrating a completed level while the camera zooms out!